Illustrator & Visual Designer


Shenwei is a nonbinary Chinese American visual designer and illustrator based in northern California who creates and posts colorful character illustrations under the alias Ambirdoodles. Their work revolves around designing characters, clothing, and accessories that help people tell stories and express themselves.

Character & concept art


Shenwei has six years of self-employed experience drawing and designing a wide variety of graphics, characters, and illustrations for freelance commission clients. They have contributed illustrative works to several charity zines to support causes such as Lost-N-Found Youth, Amazon Watch, Action Against Hunger, The Trevor Project, and The Lunchbox Fund.

visual and graphic design


Shenwei studies full-time at the University of California, Davis as a design and art double major proficient in the Adobe Creative Suite. They work as the Lead Visual Designer for the PIXEL Graphic Design club on campus, creating graphics for social media, newsletters, and flyers in accordance with the club’s brand guidelines.

want a one-off art or design request?


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Illustrator & Visual Designer


Hello! I am “that person with the hat that has pins on it.” Alternatively, I am Shenwei, a nonbinary Chinese American visual designer and illustrator based in northern California.I like petting cats, looking at birds, and finding cute pins to put on my hats on the rare occasion I emerge from my blanket nest.

Interested in contacting me for a project, commission or otherwise? I'd love to hear from you! You can DM my socials, or you can email me.

✦ About me: 
Name(s)Ambird, Amb, Ambi, Birb
Backgroundchinese american
Art Programsprocreate + clip studio
Design ProgramsPhotoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Figma
Favorite Foodsstuffed mushrooms, ramen
Major Interestssplatoon, kirby, animal crossing, hollow knight, chicory, wandersong(!!), stardew valley, project sekai: colorful stage
Minor Interestssky: children of the light, zelda, the owl house, hades, spiritfarer, okami, a short hike, hermitcraft

Character & Concept Art


I love doing character illustrations and character designs most, but I am also in the process of learning background art and other visual concept developmental skills.

Visual & Graphic Design


Visual communication design is another one of my passions. I love working on graphic design projects, incorporating my illustrations to give my work a unique handmade quality to them.

Case Studies & Projects

Click on a project to view one in its entirety!

Other Graphics